ICLAC is working with the Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI) to raise awareness regarding the importance of cell line authentication. ICLAC is an early pledge signatory and champion of the #authenticate campaign.
Scientists work with cell lines across the life sciences. Authentication testing helps to ensure that cell lines are used correctly and that biomedical research is reliable and reproducible. The #authenticate campaign will help more scientists in the research community to become aware of the need to test their cell lines.
Find out more and get involved at www.gbsi.org/authenticate.
Take the GBSI Survey
GBSI has a survey that addresses two important issues—1) cell culture and authentication practices and 2) research antibodies. The purpose is to gather valuable information about how researchers view the best practices in each of these areas and what they see as the challenges and barriers to implementing those practices. GBSI will be analyzing the data and publishing the results later in 2015.
The GBSI survey can be found here: http://surveys.mckinley-advisors.com/s3/ICLAC
At the beginning of the survey (question #3), you will notice that there is a simple way to choose to take one or both surveys depending on your interests. GBSI’s pre-testing indicates that each survey can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. Please contact Mark Gibson at GBSI, mgibson@gbsi.org if you have specific questions about the GBSI survey instrument.