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Authentication Training Module

The training module is designed to explore various aspects of cell line authentication.

Three separate slide decks are included, courtesy of Bio-Trac and in memory of Roland Nardone.

Human Cell Line Authentication

Discusses why authentication is necessary, when to test, and what methods are available with a focus on STR genotyping.

The Basics of STR Typing

Discusses short tandem repeat (STR) markers, how they are used for genotyping, and some basic quality considerations.

Non-Human Cell Line Authentication

Discusses options to authenticate non-human cell lines, performing DNA barcoding for species detection, and performing STR genotyping for authentication at the individual level.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. When citing the source of the material, please include a link to this page (

Image credit: Scott Wilkinson and Adam Marcus, National Cancer Institute/Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University.